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Haryana Geography

Haryana is a landlocked state of northern India. It is located between 27°37' to 30°35' N latitude and between 74°28' and 77°36' E longitude. The altitude of Haryana varies between 700 to 3600 ft (200 metres to 1200 metres) above sea level. An area of 1,553 km2 is covered by forest. Haryana has four main geographical features.

  • The Shivalik Hills to the northeast.
  • Semi-desert sandy plain to the southwest.
  • The Aravalli Range in the south.
  • The Yamuna-Ghaggar plain forming the largest part of the state.


Haryana Geography

The climate of Haryana is similar to other states of India lying in the northern plains. Haryana is very hot in summer (up to a high of 50 deg Celsius) and cold in winters (down to a low of 1 deg Celsius). May and June are the hottest months and the coldest months are December and January. Rainfall is varied in different parts of state, with the Shivalik Hills region being the wettest and the Aravali Hills region being the driest. About 80% of the rainfall occurs in the in the months of July to September(monsoon season) and sometimes causes local flooding at the same time.

Flora and fauna

Haryana Geography

Thorny, dry, deciduous forest and thorny shrubs can be found all over the state. During the monsoon, a carpet of grass covers the hills. Mulberry, eucalyptus, pine, kikar, shisham and babul are some of the trees found here. The species of fauna found in the state of Haryana include black buck, nilgai, panther, fox, mongoose, jackal and wild dog. Birds of Haryana. More than 300 species of birds are found here.



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